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LRL 9.09.19 – Interview with Pastor Tom Anderson

Larry Reid Live (LRL) is a LIVE interactive digital entertainment talk show based in Atlanta GA Follow @LarryReidLive on Instagram to watch your favorite 1-minute clips from the show! Facebook: Facebook.com/LarryReidLive Twitter: @LarryReidLive To support this channel text GIVE to 404.800.4530 or click DONATE on


Larry D. Reid – “Smile” (Lyric Video)

Written and Arranged: Larry D. Reid for LDREnterprises (BMI) 2019 Lead: Larry D. Reid BGVS: Larry D. Reid and Kresha Reid-Artis Program Music Production: Travis Malloy for Malloy Entertainment and Sean Riggins Bass: Rodrequez Stuckley Guitar: Steven Dukes Drums: Ashton Smith Mix: Sean Riggins Master:


LRL 6.24.19 – Black Church Gone Wild Episode 159 . . .

6.24.19 - Black Church Gone Wild Episode 159 . . . Larry Reid Live (LRL) is a LIVE interactive digital entertainment talk show based in Atlanta GA Facebook: Facebook.comLarryReidLive Twitter: @LarryReidLive Instagram: @LarryReidLive on Instagram to watch your favorite 1-minute clips from the show! To